Yes, you practice your Hatha yoga postures to cleanse and purify the body, but what do you put in your body as fuel? How do your food choices affect your inner and outer environments? Are you supporting your practice with your daily choices or working against the benefits of yoga? Yoga and purification of the … Continue reading Eat Like a Yogi – Cleanse the Inner and Outer Worlds
All posts by Nicole Doherty
The days when a vacation was a great excuse to not practice yoga and to overindulge is losing its luster. We have fewer excuses in this age of connectivity, consciousness and wellness. Not to mention, the increasing number of people who travel for work and still want to maintain a regular practice. We can’t always … Continue reading 7 Ways to Practice Yoga On-the-Go
Yoga and wellness has become one of the fastest growing sectors and is now over a 20 billion dollar sector. This is probably why you are getting in on the action. You have a great idea, now how do you market your product to this community? Do you know what makes a yogi tick? As … Continue reading What Makes A Yogi Tick?
Enter for a chance to win! I don’t know about you, but I love entering contests for a chance to win. I figure if I enter enough contests, I’ll win something eventually. Contests create a fun atmosphere to engage with brands and with others in a like-minded community. And who doesn’t like a little healthy … Continue reading How to Market Your Brand Through Contests
A yoga teacher training is a high cost product that requires high touch sales. There is a lot of noise and competition out there. Make sure you have done your research before marketing your training, so you’re able to easily answer students’ questions about your program in relationship to the larger market. To begin, consider … Continue reading How to Market a Yoga Teacher Training
If you are reading this, you hopefully have a handle on the basic marketing strategies for your next event or retreat. You know your audience, you have a location, date and a theme and you understand how you plan to engage with your consumers. If you don’t have a strategy yet, read my last blog … Continue reading 10 Essential Yoga Retreat Marketing Strategies
When I first started teaching yoga over 6 years ago, I had been asked many times by yoga teachers and studio owners, “Nicole, how do I market this yoga retreat or yoga event? I don’t have the faintest clue how to market this.” As a marketing professional for over 15 years, I was qualified to … Continue reading 5 Marketing Tips For Successful Yoga Retreats and Events