All posts by Rana Waxman

Rana develops engaging content for Yoga People’s clients, drawing on her expertise in teaching yoga. Rana has more than 20 years of experience teaching yoga, is an ERYT 500 yoga teacher and a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She is a regular contributor to yoga and health websites including MindBodyGreen and Elephant Journal, as well as leads international yoga retreats and teacher trainings.
Social Media Brand Voice for Yoga Teachers and Studios

Social Media Brand Voice for Yoga Teachers and Studios

Whether you are a new teacher, new to social media or looking for continued growth and success in this now hugely popular yoga market, bridging the gap between the sublimation of the Self and the era of selfies can be daunting. When I started teaching Yoga twenty years ago, our biggest tool was the business … Continue reading Social Media Brand Voice for Yoga Teachers and Studios