In my last article, I coached you through finding and following your yoga teacher or yoga studio brand voice. You now know that your brand is based on the experience you want your clientele to have when they do business with you. It is a by-product of facts such as your credentials, teaching style, personal philosophy, and teaching niche.
Essentially, any social media platform you use well can be a means towards expressing who you are (your brand voice) and attracting a clientele. Facebook is an excellent place to start, as many teachers already have personal pages and can learn how to build a business page fairly simply. Plus, you can then invite your friends to like this page!
Here are five things you can do to make your Facebook business page fantastic:
1. Put your best face forward.
Your page is your client’s first look at you. Pick both profile pictures and cover photos that express your unique brand.
Captivate and welcome your audience with clarity by filling in the entire “About” section and make sure your contact information is current. There is presently the option to have a “call to action” button that will link your client to your services. This is a great option if you have a product to sell, but will also work as a direct link to your website. Take advantage.
2. Appsolutely.
You can link Facebook to other platforms under the “More” tab on the profile page. Facebook has Apps for Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, U-Tube, Mail Chimp and Yoga Trail. All these platforms can be useful and generate a following in their own right, and will assist you in attracting and maintaining your audience. You can also share updates to all these platforms on your Facebook page to have some interesting and brand-specific posts.
3. Posting: the good, the bad and the ugly.
There are good manners for posting. If you are using someone else’s post, acknowledge it. I once had someone steal all my posts and translate them to another language. Best to credit the source when you can. It is also said that promoting what you love is better than bashing what you hate. If you do post something to create a stir, give your point of view. That is what your brand represents.
4. It isn’t all about likes.
Yes we want to be liked, and we want our page and the updates from it to be seen by as wide an audience as possible. More importantly, however, we want our content to be shared by as many people as possible. Studios should ideally share their teacher’s posts when possible and teachers should share studio news, especially something like a newsletter. Liking each other’s pages means you can @ mention them. This can translate to more traffic to everyone’s pages so think big, and generate flow and engagement with your page and posts.
5. Keep It Social.
I call this idea, the idea of engagement with you, your content and your page, the satsang (community) of social. For me, the best posts invite friendly client feedback and participation (and sharing!). The best pages are those who respond, whether by acknowledgement, interaction, or just through simply liking the person’s comment. Show that someone is actually home on your page. It is called “social” media for a reason!
Hope these simple practices help set you up for continued success.